Learn To Dance Salsa, The Ultimate Beginner Course
Learn How To Confidently Dance Salsa With A Partner In As Little As 30 Days
This progressive course gives you the keys to learning Salsa in an organized step-by-step training so that you can learn quickly without feeling overwhelmed. With this course you'll be able start dancing right away! By the end of the course you'll be able to confidently show off your new dance moves. This course will cut your learning time in half - literally. This makes learning to dance so much easier than any other class or course out there.
👉 You'll learn how to do the 5 Essential beginner partnerwork moves so that you can master the most common moves in Salsa. These 5 moves NEVER go away, and are done by every dancer, even the advanced dancers!
🔥 You’ll learn tips and tricks how to effortlessly style your partnerwork moves so you'll look and feel like a great dancer.
🏆 You will learn how to lead/follow properly so that you feel confident to dance with anyone on the dance floor.

👉 You will learn body isolations and body movement so that you will look like a natural dancer.
💫 You will learn spotting techniques, balance and turning exercises so that you can turn and spin easily on the dance floor.
🕺🏻 You'll learn simple tips to make your dancing look effortless and smooth so that people love dancing with you!
👍 You’ll learn how to give proper frame and tension in your partnerwork which allows for a smoother dance and better dance “connection.” You’ll feel like you and your partner are the only ones on the dance floor!
⭐️ You’ll learn how to mix your moves so that you take what you’ve learned and dance to an entire song... which means you won’t be freezing up when you are dancing with a partner.
👉 You will learn the common hand positions in Salsa. Each turn can be done with different hand positions which means it will expand your knowledge and moves and make one move into many.
💃🏻 You'll learn how to do turns effortlessly so that you can add dimension into your partnerwork which means your dancing will look even more impressive.
🎵 You'll learn over 15 partnerwork routines that are broken down in fine detail for both leader and follower.
🎯 You'll learn over 10 footwork patterns to help you become a footwork ninja and become confident in moving your feet without ever overthinking it or letting it interfere with your leading/following abilities.
✅ 85+ Video Lessons
✅ Thats Over 17 Hours of Video Training
✅ No Partner Needed!
✅ 24/7 Access On All Devices
✅ One-Time Payment & Lifetime Access
✅ This is a 100% Online Course
✅ +5 Free Bonuses When You Enroll Today
Yours Today For Just $297

Become a better dancer in 30 days or money back

The Solo Salsa Pre-Partnerwork Essentials Course
Learn How To Dance Salsa WITHOUT a Partner, Master Your Footwork, Hip Movements Arms & Turns!
By the end of this course you'll feel confident about how to dance Salsa without a partner, feel proud of the way you move your body when dancing, and have a solid understanding of music and how important it is for becoming a good dancer.
This course will teach you everything you need to know before you attend a Salsa partnerwork class. That means we'll focus on teaching you the most important aspect of Salsa which is footwork. Then we will thoroughly teach you how to move your body in a way that looks natural, teach you how to move your arms when dancing and lastly, we'll teach you 10 combinations that you're going to love. That way, you can take everything you've learn and practice them in a fun and challenging way.
🔥 Learn our exclusive SBAMethod of learning how to dance Salsa without a partner, this technique of teaching steps, body movement, and arm movement, in a very specific framework has helped hundreds of happy students finally feel like confident dancers. This is because it removes the overwhelm of learning too much at once, removes the potential embarrassment of messing up in front of a partner and allows you to master the absolute CORE of Salsa first, before ever needing to have a partner.

🕺🏽 Learn all of the basic steps, turns, syncopated steps and how to do footwork with style.
🍑 Learn how to move your hips the sexy latin way, when you dance Salsa.
🖐 Learn what to do with your hands and arms during footwork so you don't look like you're "doing the robot" instead of dancing Salsa.
💃🏻 Tons of practice combinations that break down all of the proper body movements so you get tons of repetition in order for you to master body movement.
✅ 55+ Video Lessons
✅ Thats Over 12+ Hours of Training
✅ No Partner Needed!
✅ 24/7 Access On All Devices
✅ One-Time Payment & Lifetime Access
✅ This is a 100% Online Course
✅ +5 Free Bonuses When You Enroll Today
Yours Today For Just $97

Become a better dancer in 30 days or money back

"30-Day Dance
Transformation" Guarantee
You have a full 30 days to study this program and decide if it's right for you.
That's ample time to evaluate its effectiveness and see the results for yourself. We're confident in our program, and we believe you'll be too.
We guarantee that if you follow the program step by step, practice what you have learned, and implement it on the dance floor, by the time the program is done, you will have transformed your dancing, developed a solid understanding of the core fundamentals of Salsa, and gained the complete confidence to dance with anyone!
Sound fair? Sign up today to take advantage of this ZERO RISK GUARANTEE!

If you have any questions or doubts about whether this program is right for you, please tap to contact us by:
EMAIL [email protected]
PHONE (562)641-5327